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October 2024 Newsletter

Morning Devotion Thoughts

During the second week of September, Uncle Dan Wilton gave us a series of devotions based on the cedars of Lebanon. Uncle Dan brought up the point that trees are used for 17 different reasons in the Bible (from Genesis to Galatians). Cedars of Lebanon are often found on mountains. They are usually found to be 40 meters tall and 8 feet wide, and the lifespan of a cedar tree is up to 2,000 years. Psalm 92:12-15 says that we should be like the cedars of Lebanon, flourishing in the courts of our God and bringing forth fruit. These trees are very tall, strong, and smell nice; however, these trees are a warning of pride. In Ezekiel 31:2-4, 9 the Assyrian is a cedar in Lebanon: fair, beautiful, strong, and proud, yet not holy or scriptural. Although that wasn't positive, cedars are also used in a more faithful way (compare Psalm 1:3 and Job 14:7). In 2 Chronicles 2:8, Solomon makes a request for cedars of Lebanon to make God's temple because Solomon wanted the best for God. We want to be like the cedars of Lebanon and be used for God (for his temple). We can do this through baptism.

~ Jayla Krajcar

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